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Amesbury Little League

Amesbury Little League

AA Rules


The Double A division is for children aged 8 years and is designed to prepare players for the competitive level of AAA baseball. Games are played in a semi-competitive environment with modified rules to keep the pace of the game and to introduce the players to the position of pitcher. Also, it is designed to introduce the batter to hitting against pitchers their own age. No official score is kept for this division, except to determine when a half-inning is over (see Rule #9).

Game Play

  1. Number of Players on Team
    • A goal is to have a maximum of 10 players per team.
    • There are no automatic outs due to missing or injured players.
    • A minimum of 6 players per team is needed to start a game.
    • Callups are not applicable in this division. No non-rostered player is allowed to play or practice with an AA team under any circumstances.
    • Every player must play at least one inning in the infield in every game, with the following exceptions:
      • The game is suspended or called by the umpire due to inclement weather or other conditions prior to being completed.
      • If the coach believes the player should not play the infield due to safety reasons, it is the coach’s responsibility to inform the parent. If the parent disagrees, they may inform Player Agent, who will be the arbiter in each case.
  2. Number of Players in Field at a Time / Batting Order
    • Pitcher, Catcher, 1B, 2B, SS, 3B, 4 Outfielders.
    • Continuous batting order.
  3. Minimum Playing Time
    • All players (up to a maximum of 10) play the field. If a team has more than 10 players, then each player needs to play a minimum of 3 innings in the field.
  4. Pitching Limits
    Note: This is a primarily a kid-pitch division. While developing pitchers is a goal of this division, the
    emphasis should be on maintaining the pace of play.
    • Maximum 2 innings per seven (7) calendar days.
    • A pitcher removed from the mound cannot return to pitch in that same game.
    • Maximum 4 walks per half inning, regardless of the number of pitchers used. After the fourth walk, the batting team’s coach must pitch the remainder of the inning. While the coach is pitching, no walks are allowed.
    • If a pitcher hits three batters in a game, he/she must be removed as pitcher for the remainder of the game.
  5. Base Running
    • The base runners must stay in contact with the base until the pitched ball reaches the batter.
    • There is no advancement on an overthrow back to the pitcher.
    • If a runner is thrown out, that player will return to the bench area. That is considered an out against the offensive team.
    • A player may advance one extra base on an overthrow of a ball batted into play (i.e., on an overthrow to first, the runner may continue to second at their own risk, but no further).
    • Play ceases when the ball reaches the mound and is under control of the player.
  6. Steals
    • Any base runner advancement on a pitch that is not put into play by a batter, including a wild pitch or passed ball, is considered and counted as a steal.
    • There is a maximum 3 steals per inning (1 of which can be home base).
    • There is no stealing of home when the coach is pitching.
    • A player cannot advance if the catcher overthrows a base on a steal OR from a throw back to a pitcher.
    • No delayed steals are allowed at any time.
  7. Bunting (No Fake Bunt / Swing Away)
    • Bunting is not allowed at this division.
    • Batters may not fake a bunt and then swing away.
  8. Coaches on Field
    • Offensive Team:
      • Pitcher: see Pitching Limits (above)
      • 1st base coach, 3rd base coach, bench coach
      • Home plate (to help batters and catch the ball from pitcher/backup a catcher.
      • Note: Pitched balls are live until three steals per half-inning maximum is reached.
    • Defensive Team:
      • No coaches should be on the field when their team is playing defense for this division.
  9. Inning Ends When...
    • The third out of an inning, ...
    • Or when the team at bat has had 9 players come to the plate, whichever comes first, ...
    • Or when the team at bat scores its fifth run of the inning. The offensive team cannot score more than five (5) runs per inning.
  10. Batter is Out when...
    • When kid is pitching only, swinging OR looking at a third strike.
    • When coach is pitching, after 3 swings and misses. When a defensive out is made.
  11. Dropped Third Strike
    • N/A at this level.
  12. Sliding
    • All base runners approaching all bases including home plate must slide or attempt to get around the fielder when there is a play at the base (excluding 1st base). If a runner does not slide during such a play, the runner will be warned. In future instances the runner will be called out. Players must slide feet first into all bases.
  13. Game Time or Innings
    • Games are 1 hour 30 minutes in length. There is no innings minimum/maximum.
    • Regardless of the number of innings played, no new inning can start after 1 hour and 15 minutes of game play.
  14. Field of Play
    • Bases should be set 60 feet apart.
    • The pitching rubber will be placed 40 feet from home base.
    • When a coach is pitching, players who are fielding the pitcher’s position should not be closer than 40 feet from home plate and must wear a helmet.
  15. Catcher
    • Each team must use a minimum of two catchers per game.

Coach's Responsibilities/Helpful Hints 

  • This division is where pitching and catching really starts to matter. Focusing on this early in the season is something to consider and plan for as a coach.
  • Teaching players how to steal and slide into a base properly.
  • Giving all players a chance to pitch is a goal.
  • One 90-minute practice per week.
  • Only league-issued “RIF 5” baseballs shall be used at any time.
  • The home team is required to rake the mound and the plate area following the game.


  • An umpire may be supplied by the league to call balls and strikes behind the plate. This umpire will also be responsible for calling plays in the field as well.
  • If an umpire is not supplied by the league, the coach of the team at bat will call balls and strikes while standing behind the pitcher.
  • Regardless of who is umpiring, there shall be no questioning from either team about any call that is made.


  • No playoffs for this division 

Summer Teams

Amesbury Little League will enter the following tournaments, if coaching staffs are available.

  • 8 year old District Team
  • West Newbury or Newburyport or related tournament(s)

Selection of Managers:

 The Board of Directors will select the managers via the following process:

  • Solicit volunteers from current league managers and coaches
  • List is given to the board for ballot
  • Board votes approval of manager

Selection of Coaches:

  • Approved manager selects team coaches
  • Board votes approval of coaches

Selection of Players for District Team:

  1. Each regular season team manager may submit recommendations. The manager of the district team is allowed to any eligible player.
  2. When there is enough interest in summer baseball to warrant two teams, the talent levels will be equally distributed.

Note: If there becomes a need to change/add a manager/coach or player, the board must vote to approve the amendment before play begins.

Tournament Play will be governed by the Little League Rule book, or by the tournament's specific Rules.


Amesbury Little League
PO Box 104 
Amesbury, Massachusetts 01913

Email: [email protected]

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